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How to Wire a Repair a Kitchen Circuit that is Not Working
By Dave Rongey
Summary:Electrical Circuits Question: My panel has a main breaker at the top. But at the bottom it has a breaker that controls the electricity in my basement and the kitchen. © By: Dave Rongey |
Why a Kitchen Circuit is Not Working
Kitchen circuit is not working
My panel has a main breaker at the top. But at the bottom it has a breaker that controls the electricity in my basement and the kitchen.
I left the main on and I turned the bottom breaker off to work on my oven and only later saw that it is labeled service disconnect.
When I turned the service disconnect back to On nothing happened. I've lost power in the kitchen and basement. Is there a simple fix?
Pat.Hi Pat - Great Electrical Repair Question!
Be extremely careful when working on any wiring, especially oven circuits. ALWAYS use a Voltage Tester to make sure the circuit is OFF.The controlling circuit breaker may have Tripped Off and require a full reset where the breaker handle needs to be pushed all the way OFF then back into the On position for a full reset
If the breaker continues to trip then there is a fault on the circuit which needs to be discovered and corrected.
Dave Rongey, Licensed Electrical Contractor, Assisting with Home Electrical Troubleshooting and Electrical Repairs