Articles about Circuit Breaker
Replacing a Circuit Breaker – What Size Should Be Used
If a circuit breaker is tripping off, can a larger one be installed to solve the problem? How to Replace a Circuit Breaker: Common Mistakes When Replacing Circuit Breakers and How to Avoid Them.
Should You Upgrade a Federal Pacific Stab Lok Panel
How to Inspect and Evaluate a FPE Panel for Potential Problems: Identify Problems with a FPE Panel or Circuit Breaker
Why Your Microwave Oven Lost Power
How to Wire an Electrical Circuit for a Microwave Oven: Microwave ovens generally require a dedicated circuit..
Troubleshooting a Hot Tub Problem
Wiring a Hot Tub Cord: I need help with an electrical problem and error message for my new hot tub.
Replacing Pushmatic Circuit Breakers
One and Two Pole Pushmatic Circuit Breakers: I need to replace Pushmatic UBIP230 Circuit Breakers.
Installing a 230 Volt Air Conditioning Circuit
What is the proper breaker to use for a 230 volt air conditioner circuit? Electric Circuit Wiring a 230 Volt Air Conditioner.
Sump Pumps and Dedicated Circuit Outlets
Understanding Sump Pump Circuit Requirements – It is good to consider all the possibilities of failure that could occur and deal with them right away and put into place all the safe guards to make sure the project is done right the first time.
Why a New 240 Volt Circuit Produces 120 Volts
Why is my 240 volt circuit only showing 120 volts? How to Correct Incorrect Circuit Voltage.
Circuit Troubleshooting for Emergency Lighting
How to Perform Electrical Troubleshooting for an Emergency Lighting Circuit – Emergency electrical wiring repairs should be made using the right materials for your particular application. Here are a few choices to help you decide what you’ll need.
What to do When a Fuse or Breaker Trips Off
How to Identify Electrical Wiring Problems: The Most Common Problems with an Electric Circuits and How to Fix Them.
What Causes Circuit Breakers to Trip Off
How to Identify the Cause of a Tripping Circuit Breaker
GFCI Circuit Breaker and Wiring
How to Wire a GFCI Circuit Breaker: Does it matter where in the breaker box panel I insert a 20 amp GFCI 220Volt breaker?
Electrical Wiring for Generator Connections
Why you should never connect a generator in such a way as to back-feed your electrical system. This is extremely dangerous not only to your home but also the electrical utility crews who may be working on downed electrical wires.
50 Amp GFCI Trips When the Outlet is Installed
Why a new 50 amp GFCI breaker trips when the outlet Is installed in the box.
What to do About a Tripping Circuit Breaker
How to Fix Tripping Circuit Breakers: Why Circuit Breakers Trip and What You Can Do When a Circuit Breaker Trips and the Electricity Is Off.
Why You Should NEVER Up-Size an Electrical Circuit Breaker or Fuse
The Dangers of Up Sizing Electrical Circuit Breaker, Electrical Question: Can I increase the amp rating on a breaker to fix a tripping breaker problem?
My Breaker Keeps Tripping as Soon as it is Reset
My breaker keeps tripping as soon as it is reset, and my home just had new siding and door frames installed.
How to Fix a Tripping GFI Outlet For a Refrigerator or Freezer
How Can I Fix a Tripping GFCI Outlet for a Refrigerator? Solve the Problem of a Tripping GFCI Refer or Freezer Outlet.
How to Fix a Overloaded Circuit Breaker Problem
If too many things being used at the same time one of the breakers trips off. Can I change the breaker to a higher amperage, will this resolve my problem?
How to Make Room for a Two Pole Circuit Breaker
How to Make Room in a Panel for a 2-Pole Circuit Breaker: Making Room for a Full Size 2-Pole Breaker, Hot Tub Circuit Breaker.