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Electrical Handyman Business
Summary: No one is born an electrician, like any other trades person you train to rise to various levels of proficiency. Through studying and practice you may gain enough experience and confidence to earn a great income as a handyman who can perform electrical work. Lets look at how one can be legal and successful with a electrical handyman business. © By: Dave Rongey |
* Your State Contractors License Board has guidelines concerning the boundaries an unlicensed Handy person can legally provide service within.
There may be a Dollar Amount limitation for each job.
You may not enter into a binding contract with your client and you will not be able to obtain Liability Insurance for your electrical handyman business.
* What an electrical handyman business person can do:
With an electrical handyman business you must stay under the Dollar Amount Limit per job.
Have the homeowner pull the necessary permit. The homeowner hires you to perform their work. The homeowner must understand and assume Liability. You will not be protected my laws concerning collecting payment under the mechanic lien law.
* With your electrical handyman business you should: Document your jobs to record a history of the different types of electrical experience you are receiving. Enroll in an Electricians Apprenticeship Program or Attend local college classes that specialize in the building trades and electrical construction. Purchase books that specialize in Home Electrical Wiring, especially the Guide to the NEC Code. You should be able to open an account with most wholesale electrical parts suppliers and receive a discount depending upon their policy. |