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Articles about

Could there be a Problem with our Main Circuit Breaker?

Why does our house have partial power, is there a problem with our panel? Electrical storms, or changing an outlet that shorts out and causes sparks can cause a number of problems with the home electrical system.

Circuit Breaker Trips In Home Wiring

I would disconnect the ceiling fan from the black wire, cap the black wire, reset the circuit breaker and turn the wall switch on again. If the circuit breaker trips off again then…

Electrical Question about a Portable Infrared Sauna

I’ve been building a portable infrared sauna. I know nothing about electrical work, but did my best to follow the instructions. When I plugged it in, there was a huge spark and popping – obviously, something is wrong.

How to Control Walkway Lighting

Question: I am trying to control my walkway lights with motion sensor.

Wiring Diagram Symbols and Terminology

I am trying to install a new digital pool timer. The schematic on the backside has a connection terminal under each of these symbols/letters NO, NC, COMM and an M with ~ under it

Replacing Old Low Voltage Light Switches

One problem we are having has to do with the electrical switches which were used. They are small with as many as 5 to a plate and they stay in a neutral position. To turn them on, we push upward and the switch returns to its position.

Basement Outlets Are Not Working

Why did my outlets on the stop working? How to Troubleshoot a Outlet Circuit Problem.

Electrical Wiring for Generator Connections

Why you should never connect a generator in such a way as to back-feed your electrical system. This is extremely dangerous not only to your home but also the electrical utility crews who may be working on downed electrical wires.

Electrical Question What is a 3-Way Switch

When a light fixture needs to be turned on or off from two locations two 3-way switches are used. A typical application would be…

Electrical Question from an Electrical Engineering Student about his Career

I am the second year student in electrical engineering in Jimma University in Ethiopia. My question is how can I will be successful in this field?

How to Use Switched Outlet Wiring for a New Ceiling Fan

How can I wire an outlet and ceiling fan so it is controlled by the switch?

Does My New Double Oven Require a New Electric Circuit?

My old oven has 30 amp fuses. I have just bought a double oven which requires hard-wiring 45 amp fuse. What should I do?

I Replaced my 3way Switches Now My Lights Dont Work

I replaced my old 3-way switches with new ones and now the 2 hallway lights only work when one of the switches is on/active (this is not the switch in which the hot wire is located).

I Just Replaced a Garbage Disposal and It Still Does Not Work

Installed garbage disposal after other quit. On that wall we have a 2 switch plate. Works over sink light and disposal. Although we have power in at the wire the light and disposal does not work the disposal.

How do I use existing electrical wiring for new deck lights?

Install a Flood Light on a Deck: How to use an existing power supply.

Can I install a larger size bulb in the light socket?

Can I use a different replacement light bulb in my light fixture? What will happen if put a larger bulb?

Electrical Question about a Kitchen GFCI Outlet Circuit

I have several electrical outlets in my kitchen, all marked GFCI; however, only 2 of them have a trip/reset button.

Electrical Question about Circuit Breakers

The electrical box on the pole had a bad fuse. I replaced both of them. Meanwhile the well is not working.

Electrical Question from Jordan about Garage GFCI

I am running the electric to my detached garage. I plan on installing two receptacles, one for the door opener and the other closer to the main door for lawn equipment and a radio.

How Do I Install Electrical Wiring For A Pond Pump?

Larry in Milford, Ohio asks: How to Wire a pond pump back to house to junction box on outside foundation through wall and…

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