Articles about Home Wiring Electrical
Electric Water Heater Wiring and Video
How to Connect the Wires to a Water Heater | The Common Wiring Methods for wiring an Electric Water Heater, Basic Water Heater Circuit Requirements, Connect the Water Heater Wiring.
Wiring for a Electric Panel in a Pump House and a Home
Can we run power from the electric utility pole to a large pump house main panel and then to a panel at the main house?
Why The Oven Makes The House Power Go Back On
How to Identify the Cause of Lost Power to the House: Indications of a Potentially Serious Electrical Problem – Problems such as this may include damage to the internal electrical panel and possibly the electrical wiring and components.
Local Codes May Determine Electrical Service Panel Locations
Why is the main electric service panel located outside some homes? Your Main Electrical Panel Location may Depend on Local Codes.
Electrical Wiring to NEC Standard
Wiring a Home to N.E.C. Standards, Home Electrical Wiring in Another Country: I’m building a home in another country where they use 100 volt 60 hertz power, but I want to use 110volt 60 hertz as the standard in the U.S.A.
The Difference Between a Wall Outlet and a Floor Outlet
Floor Outlet Characteristics and Components: I would like to install a 15 amp floor outlet, are their specific codes that involve floor outlets?