Thanks so much for getting listed with Ask-The-Electrician!
The high volume of visits from home-owners continues to grow and the questions we receive prove that these visitors are looking for help to make an electrical improvement with their home.
Here are just a few areas of interest visitors are looking for:
Installing energy saving devices
Interior Lighting
Exterior security lighting and lighting controls
110 volt dedicated circuits
220 volt circuits
Main panel upgrade
Sub-Panel installation
Service to pools
GFI receptacles
and much, much more....
At this time we are accepting qualified firms to be listed in our Directory of Electrical Contractors.
So take advantage of this opportunity which will help your business get found by homeowners.
These listings are reserved for:
Certified Electricians or Licensed Electrical Contractors
Other Electrical Industry Related Businesses may also be considered.Be sure to include the following information in the provided form:
Your Name or a Contact Name
Email address
Company Website (NOTE: The URL will show, but it will not be a link)
Company Name
Phone Number
Then provide a summary of the services you specialize in.
You may want to add how many years you have been in business, and the geographical areas you service.
Your state contractors license and any other detailed information.
Your listing will be placed typically within 24 to 48 hours depending upon our work load.
We reserve the right to refuse listings for whatever reason at any time to anyone.
This listing service is displayed as-is and may be discontinued at any time.
So go ahead and get listed with ask-the-electrician, putting you together with Home Owners!
Fill out the form for a » Electrical Contractor Listing
Dave Rongey, Electrical Contractor - Ask-The-Electrician
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