Articles about Troubleshooting
Electrical Question From Michael About Troubleshooting
Question: I have a electrical heated floor and had to shorten the wire in the floor. Wire that was 44 ohms and is now 36 ohms @ 120v
Electrical Question From Ashley About Troubleshooting
On my air conditioning condenser unit outside, I have an issue with my blower fan motor not running when switched on.
Electrical Question From Dee About Oven Wiring
When I use my oven, one burner comes on automatically and stays on until oven is turned off. I bought a new stove because I thought it was just my 20 yr. old stove finally shot.
Electrical Question From Esperidion About Troubleshooting
Question: Hi! Please help me on this problem. I have made a sound box rated 250watts on its speaker.
Electrical Question about Under Cabinet Lights
Hi Dave, We have 4 12 volt under cabinet lights in our kitchen. Two of them don’t work on a regular basis. All the wiring got hidden behind the cabinets when we did our kitchen redo a few years back.
Electrical Question from Mike about Light Switch Wiring
Question: My hallway light can be accessed from 3 different light switches. I am trying to replace one with a clipsal No. 31 switch with 4 connections on the back. I have 2 sets of wires to connect with a white & a red coming out of each.
I thought I had copied it accurately however none of the 3 switches which access this light now work.
Electrical Question from LaPorte, IN about a Outdoor Light Fixture Problem
Question: My 120 volt, mercury dusk to dawn outdoor light continues to flip the breaker.
Electrical Question from John about Electrical Wiring
Question: I have two outlets that do not work. When I test them with a volt meter I get the meter to light if I touch the black wire to the box but not when I touch it to the white wire.
Electrical Question from Edem about High Electric Bill
Question: 1. Why is it that in some house after using electricity for about a year, then after some time without bring in any other equipment or any home devices, then the bill for the cost of electricity start raising?
Electrical Question about a Circuit Breaker for a Deep Fryer
Question: My breaker in my candy shop trips when I put on my double deep fryer. What can I do about it?
Electrical Question from Meredith about Troubleshooting
Question: I have two light fixtures in my kitchen that are controlled by one dimmer switch. Actually, there are two switches on different walls that control both. One fixture has 3 CFLs in it, the other has 1 incandescent bulb. Last night, both fixtures started flickering and buzzing, then went out.
Electrical Question from Chuck about Circuit Breaker
The built in vacuum popped the circuit breaker, but even when I unplug the vacuum the circuit breaker switch will trip in a matter of seconds again. Do I need to replace the individual breaker switch?
Electrical Question from Shannon about Outlet Wiring
Question: We have 2 floors in our house. Everything on the main floor is working fine. Upstairs, only the light switches will work. None of the outlets are working. We tried re-starting all the breakers for the house with no luck.
Electrical Question From Kevin About Oven Wiring
My kitchen stove, only 3 yrs. old has quit. I have power to the clock; burner lights come on, but no heat.
Electrical Question From Kevin About Home Wiring
Question: I was running a circular saw and my outlet stopped working. I reset all the breakers and it didn’t fix my problem. I also checked the jumper boxes in the basement thinking that it blew the wires loose with no success.
Electrical Question From Rick About Alarm System Wiring
Question: My wife and I moved into a house about a year and a half ago and there was already an alarm system installed, but not monitored. We never got the service, but the unit was on at the control panel and would occasionally beep. I thought it was a low battery, and I actually got it to quit for about a month.