How Dusk To Dawn Light Fixtures Work
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Why Dusk To Dawn Light Fixtures are a Good Choice for Security Lighting: Adjusting a Dusk to Dawn Fixture for Optimal Lighting © By: Dave Rongey |
The Features of Dusk To Dawn Light Fixtures
[ad#block]Electrical Question: I recently bought a light for my porch outside and I also bought a dusk till dawn sensor light.
- The light works comes on at dusk like it is supposed to, but the light is real dim.
- I tried a higher watt bulb but the light did not get any brighter.
- I noticed if you touch the sensor with your finger the light will go brighter like it should be but move your finger goes right back being dim.
- I also noticed the light flickers when it is on. Any help would be appreciated.
This electrical question came from: Garrett, a Homeowner from Fort Pierce, Florida, Alabama.
Dave’s Reply:
Thanks for your electrical question Garrett.
Dusk To Dawn Light Fixture Sensors
Why Dusk To Dawn Light Fixtures are a Good Choice for Security Lighting
- Two Levels of Light
- Dusk to dawn light fixtures are made to produce different levels of light which enables them to provide illumination while saving energy.
- Make sure that the dusk to dawn light sensor is not in a position where it will see too much light from other light fixtures which could interfere with the sensing and light levels being produced by the dusk to dawn light.
- Adjusting a Dusk to Dawn Fixture
- Switches are provided for adjusting the settings for your specific dusk to dawn light fixture for the optimal performance.
- If the dusk to dawn light sensor cannot be adjusted to compensate for other lighting nearby then you may be able to place an auxiliary hood cover over one area of the sensor to prevent the light of other fixtures from interfere with the sensor.
More about Dusk to Dawn Fixtures
- Installing Motion Detector Light Fixtures
- Installing motion detector lighting fixtures provide security and energy savings and they can easily replace an existing exterior wall fixture.
The following may also be helpful for you:
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