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Electrical Help and Advice
By Dave Rongey
Summary: Electrical Wiring Information: Electrical Advice and Instructions © By: Dave Rongey |
Home Electrical Information- Be Careful! |
Electrical Help - Be Careful! Electrical Books - Be Careful! Other Countries - Be Very Careful! Ask-The-Electrician - My Policy Do-It-Yourself'ers - Your Right and Your Decision! |
Electrical Help - Be Careful!
Although no one can profess to know everything there is about any one subject, I routinely perform extensive research in my specialty topic of Electrical and I'm amazed at what I find. Sadly there is a lot of Free Electrical Advice being given away by people who have virtually NO experience in the field of Electricity, let alone being a Licensed Electrician - So Be Careful!
While your local Hardware and Warehouse Store may be a great place to find bargain prices on some materials, department personnel may have limited knowledge at best, otherwise - why would they be working there if they possessed professional knowledge? Some of these stores are fortunate to have retried individuals who really did work in the trades and will be eager to help, just keep in mind that they may not be up on the latest Code Requirements or your local ordinances.
Electrical Books - Be Careful!
Even books that are written and published by big-named companies are full of pictures and professional models supposedly performing electrical tasks with never before used - brand new tools without a scratch, and no mess to be found - AMAZING!
Throughout this web site I will place links to books that will be carefully selected; written by qualified professionals whom I totally trust.
Help from Canada and the UK - Be Very Careful!
Although there are a few similar electrical wiring techniques, there are Code Differences that may not apply to the your electrical project in the USA. Electrical parts and materials for Canada, the UK, and the United States are carefully designed and manufactured specifically for each individual country. This is why in the USA we have our own version of the Under Writers Laboratories and Canada and the UK have their own - different Codes and standards. As I browsed through several Professional Electrical Contractor web sites that are off limits to DIY ers, I was amazed at the discussion groups that were at odds about the exchange of electrical information being given to the folks in the USA from Canadian sources and the problems it was causing here at home ,So Be Careful!
Ask The Electrician and My Policy to Other Countries
With all of this in mind, if you are contacting me from another country, the first thing I will tell you is that I am a Licensed Electrical Contractor in the United States - not of your country. I may give you some basic information, but I will most likely refer you to another source who is qualified to help you. If you are reading this and you are from another country and are qualified to give electrical advice I invite you to contact me for consideration to be added to my link referral area. However - if I see that your out-of-country site is giving electrical information to the USA and you are not licensed in the USA I will not honor your request.
Electrical Integrity - It's My Passion!
Electricity is a wonderful thing, but it needs to be respected and understood or you could have problems. I endorse and encourage everyone to support your Local Licensed Electrical Contractor. He or she has worked very hard for several years to get that license and they need to be given the opportunity to assist you with your home wiring project so that it is done correctly and according to Code.
Where permissible by your local governing authority you may have the right to perform your own electrical wiring project according to their guidelines. This most likely will include getting a permit and inspection - this is for your own good, as it will ensure that your project has been completed correctly and according to National and Local Codes. I encourage you to contact your local building department or agency for more information - and believe me, they can be very helpful! They understand your position, and for those who will allow you to perform your own work, they will provide assistance to guide you along the process. Address your officials with a Positive Attitude and they will be Positive with you.